The consume callback is used with Consumer::consumeCallback() methods and will be called for each consumed \p message.
Delivery Report callback class
Event callback class
Set offset commit callback for use with consumer groups
Partitioner callback
Variant partitioner with key pointer
Group rebalance callback for use with KafkaConsunmer
Socket callback
Error codes.
Returns a human readable representation of a kafka error.
Returns a CSV list of the supported debug contexts for use with Conf::Set("debug", ..).
Returns the librdkafka version as string.
Returns the librdkafka version as integer.
Wait for all rd_kafka_t objects to be destroyed.
librdkafka version
Apache Kafka C/C++ consumer and producer client library.
rdkafkacpp.h contains the public C++ API for librdkafka. The API is documented in this file as comments prefixing the class, function, type, enum, define, etc. For more information, see the C interface in rdkafka.h and read the manual in The C++ interface is STD C++ '03 compliant and adheres to the Google C++ Style Guide.