Creates a KafkaConsumer.
Update the assignment set to \p partitions.
Returns the current partition assignment as set by * assign()
Close and shut down the proper.
Asynchronous version of CommitSync()
Commit offset for a single topic+partition based on \p message
Commit offset for the provided list of partitions.
Commit offsets for the current assignment.
Commit offset for a single topic+partition based on \p message
Commit offsets for the provided list of partitions.
Retrieve committed offsets for topics+partitions.
Retrieve current positions (offsets) for topics+partitions.
Update the subscription set to \p topics.
Stop consumption and remove the current assignment.
Unsubscribe from the current subscription set.
High-level KafkaConsumer (for brokers 0.9 and later)
Note: Requires Apache Kafka >= 0.9.0 brokers
Currently supports the \c range and \c roundrobin partition assignment strategies (see \c partition.assignment.strategy)