Value | Meaning |
begin-200 | Begin internal error codes |
bad_msg-199 | Received message is incorrect |
bad_compression-198 | Bad/unknown compression |
destroy-197 | Broker is going away |
fail-196 | Generic failure |
transport-195 | Broker transport failure |
crit_sys_resource-194 | Critical system resource |
resolve-193 | Failed to resolve broker |
msg_timed_out-192 | Produced message timed out |
partition_eof-191 | Reached the end of the topic+partition queue on * the broker. Not really an error. |
unknown_partition-190 | Permanent: Partition does not exist in cluster. |
fs-189 | File or filesystem error |
unknown_topic-188 | Permanent: Topic does not exist in cluster. |
all_brokers_down-187 | All broker connections are down. |
invalid_arg-186 | Invalid argument, or invalid configuration |
timed_out-185 | Operation timed out |
queue_full-184 | Queue is full |
isr_insuff-183 | ISR count < required.acks |
node_update-182 | Broker node update |
ssl-181 | SSL error |
wait_coord-180 | Waiting for coordinator to become available. |
unknown_group-179 | Unknown client group |
in_progress-178 | Operation in progress |
prev_in_progress-177 | Previous operation in progress, wait for it to finish. |
existing_subscription-176 | This operation would interfere with an existing subscription |
assign_partitions-175 | Assigned partitions (rebalance_cb) |
revoke_partitions-174 | Revoked partitions (rebalance_cb) |
conflict-173 | Conflicting use |
state-172 | Wrong state |
unknown_protocol-171 | Unknown protocol |
not_implemented-170 | Not implemented |
authentication-169 | Authentication failure |
no_offset-168 | No stored offset |
outdated-167 | Outdated |
timed_out_queue-166 | Timed out in queue |
end-100 | End internal error codes |
unknown-1 | Unknown broker error |
no_error | Success |
offset_out_of_range1 | Offset out of range |
invalid_msg2 | Invalid message |
unknown_topic_or_part3 | Unknown topic or partition |
invalid_msg_size4 | Invalid message size |
leader_not_available5 | Leader not available |
not_leader_for_partition6 | Not leader for partition |
request_timed_out7 | Request timed out |
broker_not_available8 | Broker not available |
replica_not_available9 | Replica not available |
msg_size_too_large10 | Message size too large |
stale_ctrl_epoch11 | StaleControllerEpochCode |
offset_metadata_too_large12 | Offset metadata string too large |
network_exception13 | Broker disconnected before response received |
group_load_in_progress14 | Group coordinator load in progress |
group_coordinator_not_available15 | Group coordinator not available |
not_coordinator_for_group16 | Not coordinator for group |
topic_exception17 | Invalid topic |
record_list_too_large18 | Message batch larger than configured server segment size |
not_enough_replicas19 | Not enough in-sync replicas |
not_enough_replicas_after_append20 | Message(s) written to insufficient number of in-sync replicas |
invalid_required_acks21 | Invalid required acks value |
illegal_generation22 | Specified group generation id is not valid |
inconsistent_group_protocol23 | Inconsistent group protocol |
invalid_group_id24 | Invalid |
unknown_member_id25 | Unknown member |
invalid_session_timeout26 | Invalid session timeout |
rebalance_in_progress27 | Group rebalance in progress |
invalid_commit_offset_size28 | Commit offset data size is not valid |
topic_authorization_failed29 | Topic authorization failed |
group_authorization_failed30 | Group authorization failed |
cluster_authorization_failed31 | Cluster authorization failed |
Use err2str() to translate an error code a human readable string
Error codes.
The negative error codes delimited by two underscores (\c _..) denotes errors internal to librdkafka and are displayed as \c \"Local: \<error string..\>\", while the error codes delimited by a single underscore (\c ERR_..) denote broker errors and are displayed as \c \"Broker: \<error string..\>\".